About Us

What is KaizenStreet all about?

Some people might know us from the Automotiv8ed Youtube channel, and yes thats us. Trying to bring the car community togeather sharing our passion, regardless of any make or models.
We love cars, and we also love the Japanese culture. Trying to bring the both togeather in one, KaizenStreet was born. 

Why the name KaizenStreet ?

Kaizen (meaning) - the philosophy of constant improvement.
Every day is an opportunity to improve, even if its only by 1%.

AutoMotiv8ed. As you can tell from our YouTube name. We are motivated and passionate about all things Automotive. 

Automotive + Motivation ... Automotiv8ed was born.
Kaizen + Street ... Motivation for Automotives.

Why YOU NEED KaizenStreet Merch?

KaizenStreet as a brand is about recognizing just how significant cars us to us, something that non car guys will never understand. How exciting it is to install a new part or accessory to your car every time!

However, It’s all these things and much more. KaizenStreet is all the beautiful, exciting and wonderful feelings driven by our passion for cars and our community. That’s how we want you to feel and be reminded of every time you see or rep KaizenStreet / Automotiv8ed Decals or Apparel on your pride and joy.